Sharvari Wagh’s latest offering Munjya, a horror comedy flick, is doing wonders at the box office even on weekdays. As per Sacnilk, the film minted Rs 3.75 crore on Thursday, taking its total collections to Rs 35.15 crore in its first week. However, the box office numbers are expected to fall starting this Friday, as several new big films are released in theatres including Kartik Aaryan’s Chandu Champion. In its opening weekend, Munjya minted nearly Rs 20 crore, which are good numbers in comparison to its budget figures. Sharvari Wagh’s latest offering Munjya, a horror comedy flick, is doing wonders at the box office even on weekdays. As per Sacnilk, the film minted Rs 3.75 crore on Thursday, taking its total collections to Rs 35.15 crore in its first week. However, the box office numbers are expected to fall starting this Friday, as several new big films are released in theatres including Kartik Aaryan’s Chandu Champion. In its opening weekend, Munjya minted nearly Rs 20 crore, which are good numbers in comparison to its budget figures. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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