The Great Indian Kapil Show’s upcoming episode has been making headlines ever since Navjot Singh Sidhu shared a promo of himself reuniting with Kapil Sharma on his show. Now, the official handle of the show has also unveiled the first full-fledged promo of the episode featuring the former cricketer, who will be accompanied by his wife and Harbhajan Singh and his wife, Geeta Basra, on the show. The promo begins with Sunil Grover as a news anchor announcing the ‘biggest surprise of the season’. The Great Indian Kapil Show’s upcoming episode has been making headlines ever since Navjot Singh Sidhu shared a promo of himself reuniting with Kapil Sharma on his show. Now, the official handle of the show has also unveiled the first full-fledged promo of the episode featuring the former cricketer, who will be accompanied by his wife and Harbhajan Singh and his wife, Geeta Basra, on the show. The promo begins with Sunil Grover as a news anchor announcing the ‘biggest surprise of the season’. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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