Tamil actor Thalapathy Vijay recently joined active politics after he formed a regional political party named Tamilaga Vettri Kazhagam (TVK). The actor-turned-politician has now put out his remarks on the ongoing debate over NEET examinations. Speaking at an event in Chennai, Vijay said, ”People have lost faith in NEET examination. The nation doesn’t need NEET. Exemption from NEET is the only solution. I wholeheartedly welcome resolution against NEET which was passed in the State Assembly. I request the Union Government to respect the emotions of the people of Tamil Nadu people. Education should be brought under the State List from Concurrent list,” news agency ANI reported. Tamil actor Thalapathy Vijay recently joined active politics after he formed a regional political party named Tamilaga Vettri Kazhagam (TVK). The actor-turned-politician has now put out his remarks on the ongoing debate over NEET examinations. Speaking at an event in Chennai, Vijay said, ”People have lost faith in NEET examination. The nation doesn’t need NEET. Exemption from NEET is the only solution. I wholeheartedly welcome resolution against NEET which was passed in the State Assembly. I request the Union Government to respect the emotions of the people of Tamil Nadu people. Education should be brought under the State List from Concurrent list,” news agency ANI reported. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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