Neetu Kapoor got emotional as she missed the presence of her late husband and veteran actor Rishi Kapoor at a special family event in Mumbai. The event was a film festival in Mumbai celebrating Raj Kapoor’s 100th birth anniversary wherein some of the biggest films of the legendary filmmaker will be shown. Kapoor family’s presence highlighted the family’s collective pride in preserving and celebrating Raj Kapoor’s extraordinary legacy. After attending the event, Neetu took to Instagram and shared a series of pictures of herself from the event. In one of the pics, she ‘missed’ Rishi Kapoor and wrote, ”Missed you kapoor saab #rishikapoor.” Neetu Kapoor got emotional as she missed the presence of her late husband and veteran actor Rishi Kapoor at a special family event in Mumbai. The event was a film festival in Mumbai celebrating Raj Kapoor’s 100th birth anniversary wherein some of the biggest films of the legendary filmmaker will be shown. Kapoor family’s presence highlighted the family’s collective pride in preserving and celebrating Raj Kapoor’s extraordinary legacy. After attending the event, Neetu took to Instagram and shared a series of pictures of herself from the event. In one of the pics, she ‘missed’ Rishi Kapoor and wrote, ”Missed you kapoor saab #rishikapoor.” IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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