Bollywood actor Nimrat Kaur has been in the news for a long time now. However, it is not due to her professional commitments but due to personal trolling. The Lunchbox actor has been accused of third-wheeling in Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai’s relationship. Social media has not only concluded that the Dasvi co-stars are having an extra-martial affair but also that AB Junior cheated on his wife Aishwarya. However, Nimrat in an interview called all of these rumours fictional and untrue. It also seems like the actor has now moved past these accusations and is focusing on her work. She has signed the next film with her Airlift co-star Akshay Kumar and now the duo will be seen together on the big screens after 8 years. Bollywood actor Nimrat Kaur has been in the news for a long time now. However, it is not due to her professional commitments but due to personal trolling. The Lunchbox actor has been accused of third-wheeling in Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai’s relationship. Social media has not only concluded that the Dasvi co-stars are having an extra-martial affair but also that AB Junior cheated on his wife Aishwarya. However, Nimrat in an interview called all of these rumours fictional and untrue. It also seems like the actor has now moved past these accusations and is focusing on her work. She has signed the next film with her Airlift co-star Akshay Kumar and now the duo will be seen together on the big screens after 8 years. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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