Mumbai: On July 12, Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant finally got married in a lavish wedding ceremony after a series of pre-wedding festivities at the Jio World Centre in Mumbai. Anant’s mother, Nita Ambani’s luxurious style has always been captivating. She looks graceful in all her ethnic attires and precious jewels.
Nita Ambani is renowned for her discerning taste in rare gems. She captivated everyone with a radiant necklace from her collection at her youngest son Anant’s wedding.
Nita Ambani captivated everyone at her youngest son, Anant’s wedding with a magnificent 100-carat yellow diamond necklace. This exquisite piece was crafted with over 1,000 hours of meticulous artisanship. Fashion Lifestyle News -Fashion Trends, Beauty Tips, Celebrity Party News, Relationship advice, Travel and Food Tips