New Delhi: NTPC Green IPO worth Rs 10,000 crore is set to be launched soon. The company has yet to announce key dates and the IPO price band. NTPC aims to invest the IPO proceeds into NTPC Renewable Energy towards debt repayment and for general corporate purposes, according to the DRHP.
All about NTPC Green
NTPC Green is a wholly owned unit of NTPC which is focused on solar and wind energy projects. The company’s total operational renewable energy capacity stood at 3,171 MW out of which 3,071 MW is for solar energy and 100 MW is for wind projects. NGEL is India’s third largest renewable energy company after Adani Green and Renew Power.
NGEL reported a net profit of Rs 138.61 crore in the period ending June 30, 2024, compared to Rs 344.72 crore in the March quarter. Kfin Technologies is acting as the IPO registrar on the issue while IDBI Capital Market, HDFC Bank, IIFL Securities and Nuvama Wealth Management are the lead managers on the public issue.
NTPC Green IPO GMP stood at Rs 0 apiece as of November 7, 2024. The company is yet to announce its IPO price band.
NTPC unit NTPC Green has filed its IPO papers. Check key details about the company which is eyeing a Rs 10,000 crore fundraise. Markets Business News – Personal Finance News, Share Market News, BSE/NSE News, Stock Exchange News Today