Almost every day Bollywood actor Parineeti is seen lavishing love on her husband Raghav Chadha through social media. While the Aam Admi Party MP spends most of his time in Delhi, Parineeti spends her time in Mumbai and London. The couple, who is always busy with work, is not able to give much time to each other and due to long distance, they are rarely able to meet. Parineeti has recently shared a video and shown the world a glimpse of her long-distance relationship. Almost every day Bollywood actor Parineeti is seen lavishing love on her husband Raghav Chadha through social media. While the Aam Admi Party MP spends most of his time in Delhi, Parineeti spends her time in Mumbai and London. The couple, who is always busy with work, is not able to give much time to each other and due to long distance, they are rarely able to meet. Parineeti has recently shared a video and shown the world a glimpse of her long-distance relationship. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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