The megastar of Indian cinema Amitabh Bachchan turns 82 today. On this special occasion, the veteran actor is receiving birthday wishes from all corners of the world including almost every Bollywood celeb. Meanwhile, a video of Amitabh with Ajay Devgn is going viral. Both Big B and Ajay’s humour can be clearly seen in the video. Moreover, it was the Shivaay actor who shared the video and reminded people of Senior Bachchan’s wit. The megastar of Indian cinema Amitabh Bachchan turns 82 today. On this special occasion, the veteran actor is receiving birthday wishes from all corners of the world including almost every Bollywood celeb. Meanwhile, a video of Amitabh with Ajay Devgn is going viral. Both Big B and Ajay’s humour can be clearly seen in the video. Moreover, it was the Shivaay actor who shared the video and reminded people of Senior Bachchan’s wit. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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