Renowned director Priyadarshan and superstar Akshay Kumar were spotted together last year, and the photo got leaked which created a lot of buzz. Everyone was waiting for the duo to come together again. Finally, their wait is over and after 14 years, the two are working together on a horror comedy “Bhoot Bangla” which is being produced under the banner of Ektaa R Kapoor and Balaji Telefilms Ltd. The mega movie announcement was made on Akshay’s 57th birthday. Renowned director Priyadarshan and superstar Akshay Kumar were spotted together last year, and the photo got leaked which created a lot of buzz. Everyone was waiting for the duo to come together again. Finally, their wait is over and after 14 years, the two are working together on a horror comedy “Bhoot Bangla” which is being produced under the banner of Ektaa R Kapoor and Balaji Telefilms Ltd. The mega movie announcement was made on Akshay’s 57th birthday. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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