Priyanka Chopra celebrated her 42nd birthday on July 18, 2024. Fans and her colleagues from the film fraternity sent her birthday wishes on social media throughout the day, which she later re-shared in her Stories. Now, the actress has shared a series of pictures and videos on Instagram showcasing her ‘working birthday’ celebrations. Along with the pics and videos, PeeCee also penned down a long note in the caption. ”It was a working birthday this year. I’ve had so many of those over the years and have realised it’s one of my favourite ways to celebrate my birthday. To be doing what I love on a film set. Thank you to my incredible husband who made his presence felt in such special ways, even though he was not here. The Dosa truck for the crew tho,” she wrote in the beginning of her caption. Priyanka Chopra celebrated her 42nd birthday on July 18, 2024. Fans and her colleagues from the film fraternity sent her birthday wishes on social media throughout the day, which she later re-shared in her Stories. Now, the actress has shared a series of pictures and videos on Instagram showcasing her ‘working birthday’ celebrations. Along with the pics and videos, PeeCee also penned down a long note in the caption. ”It was a working birthday this year. I’ve had so many of those over the years and have realised it’s one of my favourite ways to celebrate my birthday. To be doing what I love on a film set. Thank you to my incredible husband who made his presence felt in such special ways, even though he was not here. The Dosa truck for the crew tho,” she wrote in the beginning of her caption. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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