Rashmika Mandanna got injured in the gym on Saturday due to which the shooting schedule of her upcoming films has been temporarily halted. Now the actress has shared an update about her leg injury. The Pushpa 2 actor shared pictures of her injured leg and apologised to the directors of her upcoming films Sikandar, Thama and Kubera for the delay. Rashmika Mandanna has shared her pictures on her Instagram account, in which she can be seen holding her injured leg above the pillow. Rashmika Mandanna got injured in the gym on Saturday due to which the shooting schedule of her upcoming films has been temporarily halted. Now the actress has shared an update about her leg injury. The Pushpa 2 actor shared pictures of her injured leg and apologised to the directors of her upcoming films Sikandar, Thama and Kubera for the delay. Rashmika Mandanna has shared her pictures on her Instagram account, in which she can be seen holding her injured leg above the pillow. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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