Allu Arjun had a busy and controversial Friday as he was both arrested and granted bail in the Sandhya Theatre woman death case in Hyderabad. However, his film Pushpa 2: The Rule remained unaffected at the box office as performed well even on its second Friday. The film minted Rs 36.3 crore on the ninth day of its theatrical release. The total film collections now stand at Rs 763.95 crore after nine days and looking at its current pace, its nett figures in India will easily cross Rs 1,000 crore in the coming days. Allu Arjun had a busy and controversial Friday as he was both arrested and granted bail in the Sandhya Theatre woman death case in Hyderabad. However, his film Pushpa 2: The Rule remained unaffected at the box office as performed well even on its second Friday. The film minted Rs 36.3 crore on the ninth day of its theatrical release. The total film collections now stand at Rs 763.95 crore after nine days and looking at its current pace, its nett figures in India will easily cross Rs 1,000 crore in the coming days. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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