Income Tax Department officials raided the house and office of filmmaker Sukumar in Hyderabad on Wednesday, January 22. The raid started early in the morning and it went on for several hours. It is being told that when this action was taken, director Sukumar was at Hyderabad airport. He was caught by Income Tax officials at the airport itself and brought him home. After this, the raid continued. Many important documents and evidence are being collected in the Income Tax Department’s raid at the house of ‘Pushpa 2’ director Sukumar. Income Tax Department officials raided the house and office of filmmaker Sukumar in Hyderabad on Wednesday, January 22. The raid started early in the morning and it went on for several hours. It is being told that when this action was taken, director Sukumar was at Hyderabad airport. He was caught by Income Tax officials at the airport itself and brought him home. After this, the raid continued. Many important documents and evidence are being collected in the Income Tax Department’s raid at the house of ‘Pushpa 2’ director Sukumar. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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