Surbhi Jyoti, popularly known for her role in Qubool Hai and Naagin, tied the knot with her longtime beau Sumit Suri on Sunday, October 27. Taking to her Instagram handle, Surbhi shared a series of stunning pictures from her wedding and wrote in the caption, Shubh Vivaah 27/10/2024.” In the pictures, Surbhi looked stunning in a traditional red lehenga and completed her look with elaborate gold jewellery, while Sumit complimented her well in a white ethnic ensemble. Surbhi Jyoti, popularly known for her role in Qubool Hai and Naagin, tied the knot with her longtime beau Sumit Suri on Sunday, October 27. Taking to her Instagram handle, Surbhi shared a series of stunning pictures from her wedding and wrote in the caption, Shubh Vivaah 27/10/2024.” In the pictures, Surbhi looked stunning in a traditional red lehenga and completed her look with elaborate gold jewellery, while Sumit complimented her well in a white ethnic ensemble. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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