New Delhi: Radhika Ambani captivated all at her reception party, Mangal Utsav, held on July 14, 2024, as part of her and Anant Ambani’s opulent wedding celebrations. Known for her impeccable taste, Radhika’s choice of attire seamlessly blended tradition with contemporary fashion. Radhika Ambani stunned at her reception in a blend of Dolce & Gabbana Alta Moda Sardegna 2024 and custom Anamika Khanna Couture. Radhika Merchant was styled by Rhea Kapoor.
Radhika Ambani’s wedding reception look
Radhika’s reception attire exuded opulence. She donned a luminous gold corset, its rich hue catching the light beautifully. The corset was paired with a heavily embroidered dupatta, adding another layer of visual intrigue.
For the lower portion of her ensemble, Radhika chose a form-fitting satin golden skirt with exquisite gold floral embroidery. This exquisite detail showcased her refined taste and appreciation for craftsmanship. The entire outfit was a perfect fit for such a grand and high-profile event, perfectly reflecting Radhika’s elegant demeanour.
Radhika Ambani’s hair and makeup
For her hair and makeup, Radhika embraced a more understated approach. Straight, sleek hair offered a modern counterpoint to the traditional elements of her outfit. Her makeup was subtle, following a “no-makeup makeup” look that accentuated her natural beauty. This choice prevented competition with her elaborate attire, ensuring a look that was both graceful and sophisticated.
Radhika Ambani’s royal accessories
Radhika’s accessories mirrored the grandeur of her outfit. A statement-making diamond choker, crafted by a renowned designer, adorned her neck. Matching diamond earrings and bangles added a touch of sparkle, while a magnificent diamond ring on her finger served as the finishing touch. Each piece was meticulously chosen to complement the others, creating an aura of opulence and regality.
Radhika Ambani’s reception look embodied a perfect fusion of luxury and tradition. The ensemble radiated elegance and sophistication, solidifying her position as the centre of attention at the Mangal Utsav.
Radhika Ambani’s wedding reception look: Radhika Ambani shone brightly at her Mangal Utsav reception in a gold corset and sating skirt, styled by Rhea Kapoor. Her look was completed with minimalistic makeup and stunning diamond jewellery. Fashion Lifestyle News -Fashion Trends, Beauty Tips, Celebrity Party News, Relationship advice, Travel and Food Tips