Comedian-actor Rajiv Thakur, who recently appeared in the Netflix series IC 814 The Kandahar Hijack, revealed that he almost turned down the Anubhav Sinha directorial due to scheduling conflicts. He also said that it was one of his friends who came to his rescue and encouraged him to do the web show. This friend was none other than Kapil Sharma, with whom Rajiv appears on The Great Indian Kapil Show and his live tours abroad. In an interview with India Today, ”It’s all thanks to Kapil that I managed to do the show. The series team asked for my dates in June last year, which were already with him for our America tour. This is why I decided to say no but when Kapil got to know about it, he encouraged me to take up IC 814.” Comedian-actor Rajiv Thakur, who recently appeared in the Netflix series IC 814 The Kandahar Hijack, revealed that he almost turned down the Anubhav Sinha directorial due to scheduling conflicts. He also said that it was one of his friends who came to his rescue and encouraged him to do the web show. This friend was none other than Kapil Sharma, with whom Rajiv appears on The Great Indian Kapil Show and his live tours abroad. In an interview with India Today, ”It’s all thanks to Kapil that I managed to do the show. The series team asked for my dates in June last year, which were already with him for our America tour. This is why I decided to say no but when Kapil got to know about it, he encouraged me to take up IC 814.” IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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