‘Stree 2’ has been ruling the box office for two weeks. From the star cast to the songs of the film, everything is making a splash on social media. Meanwhile, ‘Stree’ actor Rajkummar Rao has grabbed everyone’s attention by sharing unseen pictures from the set. The actor has given a glimpse of a special scene which could not make it to the final cut. Rajkummar revealed that this deleted scene is his favourite. However, his look has now ignited a meme fest on Instagram. ‘Stree 2’ has been ruling the box office for two weeks. From the star cast to the songs of the film, everything is making a splash on social media. Meanwhile, ‘Stree’ actor Rajkummar Rao has grabbed everyone’s attention by sharing unseen pictures from the set. The actor has given a glimpse of a special scene which could not make it to the final cut. Rajkummar revealed that this deleted scene is his favourite. However, his look has now ignited a meme fest on Instagram. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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