On the special occasion of Raksha Bandhan, late actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s sister Shweta remembered her brother and penned a heartfelt note in his beloved memory. Taking to her Instagram account, Shweta shared a video of Sushant saying that he would do his best to become not only a good actor but also a good human being. ”Happy Rakshanandhan to my lovely brother, hope you always stay happy and protected in higher realms in the company of Gods,” she wrote along with a red heart emoji. On the special occasion of Raksha Bandhan, late actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s sister Shweta remembered her brother and penned a heartfelt note in his beloved memory. Taking to her Instagram account, Shweta shared a video of Sushant saying that he would do his best to become not only a good actor but also a good human being. ”Happy Rakshanandhan to my lovely brother, hope you always stay happy and protected in higher realms in the company of Gods,” she wrote along with a red heart emoji. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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