The thriller franchise Race will return with its fourth instalment. The three instalments of the film created a lot of buzz among the fans. Saif Ali Khan was seen in the lead role in the first two instalments. At the same time, Salman Khan was seen in the lead role in the third film. The next instalment of Race has been confirmed by producer Ramesh Taurani. However, it is not yet known whether Salman Khan will make his comeback with the Race franchise. Ramesh refused to reveal any more details about this. The thriller franchise Race will return with its fourth instalment. The three instalments of the film created a lot of buzz among the fans. Saif Ali Khan was seen in the lead role in the first two instalments. At the same time, Salman Khan was seen in the lead role in the third film. The next instalment of Race has been confirmed by producer Ramesh Taurani. However, it is not yet known whether Salman Khan will make his comeback with the Race franchise. Ramesh refused to reveal any more details about this. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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