Actors Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala began a new journey of their lives after the two tied the knot in Hyderabad on Wednesday. The wedding ceremony was held in the city’s Annapurna Studios and was attended by many celebrities and Naga’s cousin Rana Daggubati was one of them. The Baahubali star even shared a smiling picture of himself with the groom donning the traditional attire on the special day. ”Pellikodudo,” Rana Daggubati wrote along with the picture. It roughly translates to ‘groom’. Actors Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala began a new journey of their lives after the two tied the knot in Hyderabad on Wednesday. The wedding ceremony was held in the city’s Annapurna Studios and was attended by many celebrities and Naga’s cousin Rana Daggubati was one of them. The Baahubali star even shared a smiling picture of himself with the groom donning the traditional attire on the special day. ”Pellikodudo,” Rana Daggubati wrote along with the picture. It roughly translates to ‘groom’. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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