Actor Ranveer Singh and director Aditya Dhar reached the Golden Temple in Amritsar together. Ranveer Singh’s film is to be shot in this city. Before the shooting, he bowed his head in the Golden Temple with Aditya Dhar. His pictures are going viral on social media. The first leg of shooting of this film has been done in Bangkok. The second part is to be shot in Amritsar. The makers have still not revealed the name of their film. Actor Ranveer Singh and director Aditya Dhar reached the Golden Temple in Amritsar together. Ranveer Singh’s film is to be shot in this city. Before the shooting, he bowed his head in the Golden Temple with Aditya Dhar. His pictures are going viral on social media. The first leg of shooting of this film has been done in Bangkok. The second part is to be shot in Amritsar. The makers have still not revealed the name of their film. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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