Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh is busy shooting for Dhurandhar these days. Recently, many pictures of Ranveer Singh in a Sardar ji look from the sets of Uri: The Surgical Strike famed director Aditya Dhar’s film went viral on social media. According to the information, now Ranveer is gearing up for director Basil Joseph’s upcoming film. Moreover, reports suggest that the filmmaker has also locked a fresh pair for the superhero film Shaktimaan. Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh is busy shooting for Dhurandhar these days. Recently, many pictures of Ranveer Singh in a Sardar ji look from the sets of Uri: The Surgical Strike famed director Aditya Dhar’s film went viral on social media. According to the information, now Ranveer is gearing up for director Basil Joseph’s upcoming film. Moreover, reports suggest that the filmmaker has also locked a fresh pair for the superhero film Shaktimaan. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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