Superstar Ranveer Singh recently made headlines when he was spotted drenched in haldi at the Ambani-Merchant haldi ceremony. The image, which quickly went viral, had fans buzzing with excitement as it reminded them of his iconic portrayal of Khilji and more so, reminds us of his memorable scene from his blockbuster film, Padmaavat. The scene in reference features Ranveer Singh’s character, Alauddin Khilji, smearing his face with Holi colours in a sinister display of his eccentricity and unpredictability. Superstar Ranveer Singh recently made headlines when he was spotted drenched in haldi at the Ambani-Merchant haldi ceremony. The image, which quickly went viral, had fans buzzing with excitement as it reminded them of his iconic portrayal of Khilji and more so, reminds us of his memorable scene from his blockbuster film, Padmaavat. The scene in reference features Ranveer Singh’s character, Alauddin Khilji, smearing his face with Holi colours in a sinister display of his eccentricity and unpredictability. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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