New Delhi: The newly married bride Radhika Merchant looked absolutely gorgeous during the wedding festivities in all the custom-made and personal touch attires she wore for the functions. The wedding was surely to take notes from and set trends for the coming wedding season. The viral dupatta worn by Radhika Merchant for the haldi ceremony was nothing less than a dream turned into reality for all the brides.
For the Haldi ceremony, Ambani bahu Radhika Merchant opted for a jaal ka dupatta with real flowers in white and yellow all over it. The one-of-a-kind dupatta features more than 1000 real Tagar kalis and 90 marigold flowers for the border. But to amaze everyone, one of the Instagram influencers turned out a beautiful piece by creating it under Rs 2,000 with real flowers.
Radhika Merchant’s viral floral dupatta recreated
Delhi-based influencer Arushi Pahwa has gone viral on the internet for the trending flower dupatta recreation which was worn by the Ambani bahu Radhika Merchant for the haldi ceremony. During the video, the influencer shared that she actually tried buying the dupatta but it was worth Rs 15,000 so she decided to re-create it under a budget and prepared it for under Rs 2,000.
Want Radhika Merchant’s stunning floral dupatta without the hefty price tag? Learn how to recreate this viral look for under Rs 2,000 with this easy DIY guide. Fashion Lifestyle News -Fashion Trends, Beauty Tips, Celebrity Party News, Relationship advice, Travel and Food Tips