Kannada film actor Darshan Thoogudeepa has been sent to judicial custody in the Renukaswamy murder case. The Bengaluru court has extended the remand till July 4. Today, on Saturday, June 22, actor Darshan and other people accused in this murder case were produced by the police from Annapurneshwari Nagar police station in a Bengaluru court. Here the court has sent Darshan to judicial custody till July 4. Kannada film actor Darshan Thoogudeepa has been sent to judicial custody in the Renukaswamy murder case. The Bengaluru court has extended the remand till July 4. Today, on Saturday, June 22, actor Darshan and other people accused in this murder case were produced by the police from Annapurneshwari Nagar police station in a Bengaluru court. Here the court has sent Darshan to judicial custody till July 4. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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