Bollywood actress Richa Chadha, who recently embraced motherhood, took to her Instagram handle to pen a long note remembering her last year. This is the actress’ first post of 2025 wherein she reflected on her journey as she shared a series of pictures. Along with the pictures, the actress added a note on achieving her long-time dream of working with Bhansali. Richa recalled an old journal from 2011, where she had written about wanting to convince the filmmaker to cast her. In Heeramandi, she played Lajjo, a role that fulfilled that wish. Bollywood actress Richa Chadha, who recently embraced motherhood, took to her Instagram handle to pen a long note remembering her last year. This is the actress’ first post of 2025 wherein she reflected on her journey as she shared a series of pictures. Along with the pictures, the actress added a note on achieving her long-time dream of working with Bhansali. Richa recalled an old journal from 2011, where she had written about wanting to convince the filmmaker to cast her. In Heeramandi, she played Lajjo, a role that fulfilled that wish. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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