Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was stabbed multiple times with a knife on January 17 at midnight by an intruder who entered his home with the intention of theft. He was later taken to Lilavati Hospital and is currently in ICU. His wife and actor Kareena Kapoor recorded her statement regarding the case to Mumbai Police on Friday. The police on Friday questioned 40 to 50 people along with Saif Ali Khan’s staff in the case. Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was stabbed multiple times with a knife on January 17 at midnight by an intruder who entered his home with the intention of theft. He was later taken to Lilavati Hospital and is currently in ICU. His wife and actor Kareena Kapoor recorded her statement regarding the case to Mumbai Police on Friday. The police on Friday questioned 40 to 50 people along with Saif Ali Khan’s staff in the case. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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