Details are continuously emerging about the incident of the attack on Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan. According to the latest information, the person who attacked the Omkara actor asked for Rs 1 crore. Saif Ali Khan was repeatedly stabbed with a knife by an intruder inside his 12th floor apartment in upscale Bandra early Thursday. According to the maid when the actor confronted the attacker, he asked for money. Details are continuously emerging about the incident of the attack on Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan. According to the latest information, the person who attacked the Omkara actor asked for Rs 1 crore. Saif Ali Khan was repeatedly stabbed with a knife by an intruder inside his 12th floor apartment in upscale Bandra early Thursday. According to the maid when the actor confronted the attacker, he asked for money. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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