Mahendra Singh Dhoni celebrated his 43rd birthday on July 7th. Even after retiring from international cricket, Mahi’s craze has not diminished. While millions of his followers are wishing him on his birthday, Bollywood superstar Salman Khan has also wished Dhoni on his birthday through a special post. On the special occasion of his birthday, a cute video of Mahi and Sakshi is also going viral, which will make your day. Mahendra Singh Dhoni celebrated his 43rd birthday on July 7th. Even after retiring from international cricket, Mahi’s craze has not diminished. While millions of his followers are wishing him on his birthday, Bollywood superstar Salman Khan has also wished Dhoni on his birthday through a special post. On the special occasion of his birthday, a cute video of Mahi and Sakshi is also going viral, which will make your day. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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