Bollywood superstar Salman Khan will celebrate his 59th birthday on December 27. The actor has been absent from the big screen this year but aims to make a big comeback with one of the anticipated films of n2025, Sikandar. Also starring Rashmika Mandanna and Kajal Agarwal, the film will released on the occasion of Eid 2025. The makers had already announced that the teaser of this upcoming film would be released on Salman Khan’s 2024 birthday but even before that, the actor has shared a new poster with his fans. Bollywood superstar Salman Khan will celebrate his 59th birthday on December 27. The actor has been absent from the big screen this year but aims to make a big comeback with one of the anticipated films of n2025, Sikandar. Also starring Rashmika Mandanna and Kajal Agarwal, the film will released on the occasion of Eid 2025. The makers had already announced that the teaser of this upcoming film would be released on Salman Khan’s 2024 birthday but even before that, the actor has shared a new poster with his fans. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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