2024 has been full of ups and downs for Bollywood films. Some films performed exceptionally well while a few also tanked miserably at the box office despite big names in the star cast. Overall, it will be safe to say that 2024 was a much better year for the Hindi film industry as compared to the recent 4-5 years. Now, since several films are currently in the pipeline, and are slated to hit the big screens next year on festival seasons, here’s the list of all big movies along with its star cast, which are highly anticipated among cinephiles. 2024 has been full of ups and downs for Bollywood films. Some films performed exceptionally well while a few also tanked miserably at the box office despite big names in the star cast. Overall, it will be safe to say that 2024 was a much better year for the Hindi film industry as compared to the recent 4-5 years. Now, since several films are currently in the pipeline, and are slated to hit the big screens next year on festival seasons, here’s the list of all big movies along with its star cast, which are highly anticipated among cinephiles. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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