Bollywood Sanya Malhotra who raised the temperature in the last single Aankh with Sunidhi Chauhan is now gearing up for the release of her upcoming film. ‘Mrs’, the Hindi remake of the critically acclaimed film The Great Indian Kitchen will soon be released on OTT platform Zee5. Sanya Malhotra plays the lead role in this film along with Nishant Dahiya and Siya Mahajan. It is significant to note that Malayalam-drama film ‘The Great Indian Kitchen’ was released in 2021. The film is written and directed by Jeo Baby. It features Nimisha Sajayan and Suraj Venjaramoodu in leading roles. Bollywood Sanya Malhotra who raised the temperature in the last single Aankh with Sunidhi Chauhan is now gearing up for the release of her upcoming film. ‘Mrs’, the Hindi remake of the critically acclaimed film The Great Indian Kitchen will soon be released on OTT platform Zee5. Sanya Malhotra plays the lead role in this film along with Nishant Dahiya and Siya Mahajan. It is significant to note that Malayalam-drama film ‘The Great Indian Kitchen’ was released in 2021. The film is written and directed by Jeo Baby. It features Nimisha Sajayan and Suraj Venjaramoodu in leading roles. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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