Like every year, Sara Ali Khan celebrated Raksha Bandhan with her brothers at her father Saif Ali Khan and stepmom Kareena Kapoor Khan’s residence in Mumbai. The Atrangi Re actress took to her Instagram handle and shared a series of pictures from the celebration wherein she can be seen tying Rakhi to Ibrahim and Jeh Ali Khan. Apart from this, she also put out a post in the Stories section, where Sara wrote that she missed Taimur Ali Khan this year. Like every year, Sara Ali Khan celebrated Raksha Bandhan with her brothers at her father Saif Ali Khan and stepmom Kareena Kapoor Khan’s residence in Mumbai. The Atrangi Re actress took to her Instagram handle and shared a series of pictures from the celebration wherein she can be seen tying Rakhi to Ibrahim and Jeh Ali Khan. Apart from this, she also put out a post in the Stories section, where Sara wrote that she missed Taimur Ali Khan this year. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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