Akshay Kumar on Friday treated his fans after he shared his first look poster from his upcoming flick titled Sarfira. In the post, he also announced the trailer release date of Sarfira. The trailer of the film will be out on June 18 and the film will hit the big screens on July 12. The poster captures Akshay sporting a beard and giving a pose. The tagline of Sarfira reads, ”Dream so big, they call you crazy.” Along with the post, he wrote, ”The story of a man who dared to dream big! And for me this is a story, a character, a film, an opportunity of a lifetime! #Sarfira trailer out on 18th June. Catch Sarfira on 12th July, only in cinemas.” Akshay Kumar on Friday treated his fans after he shared his first look poster from his upcoming flick titled Sarfira. In the post, he also announced the trailer release date of Sarfira. The trailer of the film will be out on June 18 and the film will hit the big screens on July 12. The poster captures Akshay sporting a beard and giving a pose. The tagline of Sarfira reads, ”Dream so big, they call you crazy.” Along with the post, he wrote, ”The story of a man who dared to dream big! And for me this is a story, a character, a film, an opportunity of a lifetime! #Sarfira trailer out on 18th June. Catch Sarfira on 12th July, only in cinemas.” IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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