Bollywood superstar and global icon Shah Rukh Khan received the Pardo Alla Carriera award, at the 77th Locarno Film Festival recognising his immense contributions to the world of cinema. The event in the stunning Piazza Grande saw an 8000-strong crowd gather to witness the legendary actor’s acceptance speech. Dressed in a black ensemble, Shah Rukh Khan radiated his signature charm as he took to the stage. Addressing the enthusiastic audience, SRK opened with a light-hearted quip and thanked everyone for welcoming him with such wide arms wider, “Than the ones I do on screen,” he joked, referencing his iconic open-armed pose that has become synonymous with his persona. Bollywood superstar and global icon Shah Rukh Khan received the Pardo Alla Carriera award, at the 77th Locarno Film Festival recognising his immense contributions to the world of cinema. The event in the stunning Piazza Grande saw an 8000-strong crowd gather to witness the legendary actor’s acceptance speech. Dressed in a black ensemble, Shah Rukh Khan radiated his signature charm as he took to the stage. Addressing the enthusiastic audience, SRK opened with a light-hearted quip and thanked everyone for welcoming him with such wide arms wider, “Than the ones I do on screen,” he joked, referencing his iconic open-armed pose that has become synonymous with his persona. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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