Shah Rukh Khan is known globally not only for his acting skills but also his wittiness and to-the-point answers. One such incident took place when Shah Rukh held an ‘Ask SRK’ session on X (formerly called Twitter) when his film Jawan was slated to hit the big screens. During the candid chat, one of his fans posed him a playful question. ”Nayanthara mam pe lattu huye ya nahi? (Did you fall for Nayanthara?)” In response, SRK gave a hilarious and respectful answer and wrote, ”Chup karo! Doh bacchon ki maa hain woh (Shut up! She’s a mom to two kids)” Shah Rukh Khan is known globally not only for his acting skills but also his wittiness and to-the-point answers. One such incident took place when Shah Rukh held an ‘Ask SRK’ session on X (formerly called Twitter) when his film Jawan was slated to hit the big screens. During the candid chat, one of his fans posed him a playful question. ”Nayanthara mam pe lattu huye ya nahi? (Did you fall for Nayanthara?)” In response, SRK gave a hilarious and respectful answer and wrote, ”Chup karo! Doh bacchon ki maa hain woh (Shut up! She’s a mom to two kids)” IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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