Shah Rukh Khan has added one more feather to his hat. On Saturday, he became the first Indian personality to be honoured with a lifetime achievement award at the prestigious Locarno Film Festival. The award is also called Pardo Alla Carriera or Career Leopard. For the event, the actor was decked up in a sleek black blazer and matching trousers. Several pictures and videos of the actor from the night are all over social media. The actor’s hairstyle is considered one of the best among all film celebrities and last night was no exception. SRK’s open long hair again captivated much attention and made the crowd go crazy. Shah Rukh Khan has added one more feather to his hat. On Saturday, he became the first Indian personality to be honoured with a lifetime achievement award at the prestigious Locarno Film Festival. The award is also called Pardo Alla Carriera or Career Leopard. For the event, the actor was decked up in a sleek black blazer and matching trousers. Several pictures and videos of the actor from the night are all over social media. The actor’s hairstyle is considered one of the best among all film celebrities and last night was no exception. SRK’s open long hair again captivated much attention and made the crowd go crazy. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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