Bollywood actors are having a blast at IFFA 2024 being hosted in Abu Dhabi. Shah Rukh Khan returned to the IFFA stage as a host with his longtime friend and filmmaker Karan Johar. The duo set the tone for the award function and now the videos from Abu Dhabi are going viral on social media. However, one of the videos that garnered the most attention has SRK talking about his retirement plans. King Khan known for his wit had the most hilarious reply for Karan Johar as the filmmaker asked SRK when he would retire. Shah Rukh mentioned Dhoni while talking about his plans and left the filmmaker with only one option, laugh out loud. Bollywood actors are having a blast at IFFA 2024 being hosted in Abu Dhabi. Shah Rukh Khan returned to the IFFA stage as a host with his longtime friend and filmmaker Karan Johar. The duo set the tone for the award function and now the videos from Abu Dhabi are going viral on social media. However, one of the videos that garnered the most attention has SRK talking about his retirement plans. King Khan known for his wit had the most hilarious reply for Karan Johar as the filmmaker asked SRK when he would retire. Shah Rukh mentioned Dhoni while talking about his plans and left the filmmaker with only one option, laugh out loud. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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