Shraddha Kapoor is currently on cloud nine as she is celebrating the success of her latest release, Stree 2. In just two days of its theatrical release, the film has minted nearly Rs 100 crore at the box office. To celebrate the milestone, the makers of the film organised a success party which was attended by all the major cast of Stree 2. Shraddha Kapoor, who plays the titular role in the movie was spotted arriving with Varun Dhawan. She was seen driving her red-coloured Lamborghini Huracan with Varun sitting next to him. Shraddha Kapoor is currently on cloud nine as she is celebrating the success of her latest release, Stree 2. In just two days of its theatrical release, the film has minted nearly Rs 100 crore at the box office. To celebrate the milestone, the makers of the film organised a success party which was attended by all the major cast of Stree 2. Shraddha Kapoor, who plays the titular role in the movie was spotted arriving with Varun Dhawan. She was seen driving her red-coloured Lamborghini Huracan with Varun sitting next to him. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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