Pulkit Samrat’s ex-wife and actress Shweta Rohira met with a terrible road accident on Wednesday. The actor has also shared some of her pictures after the accident on social media, in which she is seen in critical condition on a hospital bed. A plaster on her entire leg and a bandage on her lips can be seen in the photos. Ever since the photos went viral on social media, fans have been worried about the actor’s health. Pulkit Samrat’s ex-wife and actress Shweta Rohira met with a terrible road accident on Wednesday. The actor has also shared some of her pictures after the accident on social media, in which she is seen in critical condition on a hospital bed. A plaster on her entire leg and a bandage on her lips can be seen in the photos. Ever since the photos went viral on social media, fans have been worried about the actor’s health. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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