Bollywood filmmaker Rohit Shetty is the latest director to make a fresh new adaptation of Hindu mythology Ramayan. His upcoming film Singham Again has been in the talks since its inception and now weeks before its release, the makers have released the trailer. Singham Again trailer is everything a cinephile expects from a movie, There’s drama, action, a bit of romance, comedy and hopefully some suspense. The film takes a deep inspiration from Ramayan and depicts the modern war of good over bad. Bollywood filmmaker Rohit Shetty is the latest director to make a fresh new adaptation of Hindu mythology Ramayan. His upcoming film Singham Again has been in the talks since its inception and now weeks before its release, the makers have released the trailer. Singham Again trailer is everything a cinephile expects from a movie, There’s drama, action, a bit of romance, comedy and hopefully some suspense. The film takes a deep inspiration from Ramayan and depicts the modern war of good over bad. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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