Bollywood’s lovebirds Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal tied the knot last month in the presence of their loved ones in Mumbai. The wedding ceremony was followed by a star-studded reception. In a recent interview with Galatta India, the newlyweds were surprised after an audio clip of Zaheer’s parents was played. Zaheer’s mother said, ”Hey Sona (Sonakshi)! Just wanted to tell you how happy and blessed we are to have you as our daughter now. Seeing you and Zaheer so happy together makes us feel that you are truly meant to be. You have a heart of ‘asli sona (real gold)’ only. You have given us so much love and respect; and I cannot think of anyone better for Zaheer.” ”God bless both of you all, love you, take care, be happy always,” Zaheer’s father added. Bollywood’s lovebirds Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal tied the knot last month in the presence of their loved ones in Mumbai. The wedding ceremony was followed by a star-studded reception. In a recent interview with Galatta India, the newlyweds were surprised after an audio clip of Zaheer’s parents was played. Zaheer’s mother said, ”Hey Sona (Sonakshi)! Just wanted to tell you how happy and blessed we are to have you as our daughter now. Seeing you and Zaheer so happy together makes us feel that you are truly meant to be. You have a heart of ‘asli sona (real gold)’ only. You have given us so much love and respect; and I cannot think of anyone better for Zaheer.” ”God bless both of you all, love you, take care, be happy always,” Zaheer’s father added. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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