Bollywood actor Sonakshi Sinha, who has been in the news for the past week is finally going to get married today, on Sunday. Shatrughan Sinha’s daughter Sonakshi is going to become Mrs from Miss in a short while. It is being said that Sonakshi and Zaheer will get married in Mumbai’s restaurant Bastian in the presence of family members. However, a glimpse of the bride-to-be before the wedding went viral in the media, seeing which social media users seemed surprised. Bollywood actor Sonakshi Sinha, who has been in the news for the past week is finally going to get married today, on Sunday. Shatrughan Sinha’s daughter Sonakshi is going to become Mrs from Miss in a short while. It is being said that Sonakshi and Zaheer will get married in Mumbai’s restaurant Bastian in the presence of family members. However, a glimpse of the bride-to-be before the wedding went viral in the media, seeing which social media users seemed surprised. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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