Sonu Sood, who made his directorial debut with Fateh, shared the real reason behind choosing to become a director. He attended the red carpet screening of his film and expressed his take on the action genre and why he chose Fateh to be his debut directorial. In a talk with news agency ANI, Sonu said, ”I always used to think that whenever a Bollywood movie is made – we often say that why our movies do not have action scenes like foreign movies. Why the foreign people not talk about our action scenes? It was always there in my mind, but as an actor, you do not have much say due to your limits including the production budget and script. When I became the director, I brought that into my movie.” Sonu Sood, who made his directorial debut with Fateh, shared the real reason behind choosing to become a director. He attended the red carpet screening of his film and expressed his take on the action genre and why he chose Fateh to be his debut directorial. In a talk with news agency ANI, Sonu said, ”I always used to think that whenever a Bollywood movie is made – we often say that why our movies do not have action scenes like foreign movies. Why the foreign people not talk about our action scenes? It was always there in my mind, but as an actor, you do not have much say due to your limits including the production budget and script. When I became the director, I brought that into my movie.” IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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