New Delhi: Indian indices plunged 1.5 per cent on Monday amid profit booking as Reliance Industries, ICICI Bank and HDFC Bank were top drags. The Sensex declined 1,272.07 points or 1.49 per cent to 84,299.78 at market closing on Monday, while the Nifty was down 368.10 points, or 1.41 per cent to 25,810.85. Here are stocks that are likely to remain in focus on Tuesday, October 1, 2024:
Bharat Agri Fert and Realty: The company on Monday said it had completed plinth work for Wembely-24, a high-rise project in Majiwada, Thane. The project is likely to earn revenues worth Rs 800 crore.
Bharti Airtel: The company said it has prepaid dues worth Rs 8,465 crore related to spectrum acquired in 2016.
Kalpataru Projects International: The specialised engineering company said it has secured orders worth Rs 1,241 crore for a transmission and distribution business in India and abroad. The company also secured a domestic residential and commercial building project.
Mankind Pharma: The pharma company said it will raise up to Rs 10,000 crore via the issuance of NCDs and commercial papers.
Max Estates: The company sold property worth RS 4,100 crore in its new residential project, Estate 360, in Gurugram.
NHPC: The state-owned company inked an initial agreement worth Rs 50,000 crore for the development of renewable energy projects in Rajasthan.
NTPC: The state-owned power company’s ‘renewable energy unit NTPC Green Energy signed an agreement with the Rajasthan government for the development of renewable energy projects equalling 25GW capacity.
Reliance Industries: The Centre on Monday raised the price for natural gas produced from difficult areas to $10.16 per mmBTu. RIL’s KGD6 basin is one of the most difficult areas for gas extraction. RIL was the top drag among the Sensex pack, as it fell over 3 per cent to wipe out Rs 66,819.76 crore of its market value.
SpiceJet: The Delhi High Court on Monday directed the low-cost airline to respond to a petition which sought for the execution of an order which directed the airline to ground 3 aircraft engines. These must then be handed over to the lessors, according to the plea.
Tata Power: The company inked an agreement for investment of Rs 1.2 lakh crore in Rajasthan with Rs 75,000 crore for renewable energy.
Vipul Organics: The specialty chemicals maker shared plans of a Rs 25 crore fundraise via rights issue for the funding of expansion projects.
(Disclaimer: This article is only meant to provide information. News9 does not recommend buying or selling shares or subscriptions of any IPO and Mutual Funds.)
Stocks in News Today: From Bharti Airtel to RIL, here are stocks that are likely to remain in focus on Tuesday, September 30, 2024. Markets Business News – Personal Finance News, Share Market News, BSE/NSE News, Stock Exchange News Today