Telangana Minister Konda Surekha raised a significant stir when she alleged that Bharat Rashtra Samiti Chief KT Rama Rao hooked Telugu actresses to narcotics. The Congress leader claimed that KTR used to tap the actresses’ phones and blackmail them. While Surekha apologised for her remark, actress Rakul Preet Singh, who has primarily worked in the Telugu film business, wrote a detailed response on the subject. The actor refrained the Congress minister from politicising her name. Telangana Minister Konda Surekha raised a significant stir when she alleged that Bharat Rashtra Samiti Chief KT Rama Rao hooked Telugu actresses to narcotics. The Congress leader claimed that KTR used to tap the actresses’ phones and blackmail them. While Surekha apologised for her remark, actress Rakul Preet Singh, who has primarily worked in the Telugu film business, wrote a detailed response on the subject. The actor refrained the Congress minister from politicising her name. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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