New Delhi: In a shocking incident, a 12-year-old boy suffered a fatal cardiac arrest after inhaling toxic fumes from a deodorant. The incident took place last month after the young teen Cesar Watson-King, from Doncaster allegedly inhaled a can of antiperspirant that led to this condition. Recently, there has been a trend called Chorming, which is going viral on social media where people are seen inhaling the toxic fumes from deodorant cans or hairspray and even from nail polish remover to get high, reported The Daily Mail.
Some reports have noted that inhaling toxic fumes can lead to serious health concerns and can pose a significant threat to the body, especially to respiratory and heart health. Explaining the dangers of toxic fumes, Dr Sanggita Checker, Consultant Chest Physician, Wockhardt Hospitals told News9, “When toxic substances, such as chemicals or gases, are inhaled, they are known to impact the airways and lungs. Furthermore, these substances can aggravate asthma and bronchitis. One can encounter symptoms such as breathlessness, wheezing, cough, and respiratory distress.”
According to various studies, toxic fumes may contain substances that take a toll on the blood’s capacity to supply oxygen to the heart and impact its function. Thus, due to the lack of oxygen, one can have hypoxia and suffer from cardiac arrest.
Symptoms that may show up
“Some of the common symptoms that may show up include chest pain, unconsciousness, and even irregular heartbeat. However, not many cases have been noted so far. It will be difficult to establish the connection between inhaling deodorant and cardiac arrest. Using deodorant to smell good may seem a good option but it has its risks. Moreover, parents must keep deodorants away from children as they can be at risk of many respiratory diseases. Don’t inhale deodorant without understanding the complications that can arise due to it,” added Dr Checker.
It is better to beware when it comes to your health and avoid doing any such thing which can be dangerous. Remember, your well-being is of utmost importance and shouldn’t be neglected at any cost
Some reports have noted that inhaling toxic fumes can lead to serious health concerns and can pose a significant threat to the body, especially to respiratory and heart health. Expert said, when toxic substances, such as chemicals or gases, are inhaled, they are known to impact the airways and lungs. Health Conditions Health News: Latest News from Health Care, Mental Health, Weight Loss, Disease, Nutrition, Healthcare