The Great Indian Kapil Show, hosted by comedian-actor Kapil Sharma, is all set to return with its second season on September 21. The makers of the show recently unveiled its first trailer on social media, giving a glimpse of the stars who will be gracing the show in its second edition. As per the trailer, one episode of the upcoming celebrity chat show will feature Alia Bhatt, Karan Johar and Vedang Raina, promoting the new film Jigra. Now, as per a report by Indian Express, the trio will be gracing the show in the first episode of season 2, which will premiere on the platform on September 21. The Great Indian Kapil Show, hosted by comedian-actor Kapil Sharma, is all set to return with its second season on September 21. The makers of the show recently unveiled its first trailer on social media, giving a glimpse of the stars who will be gracing the show in its second edition. As per the trailer, one episode of the upcoming celebrity chat show will feature Alia Bhatt, Karan Johar and Vedang Raina, promoting the new film Jigra. Now, as per a report by Indian Express, the trio will be gracing the show in the first episode of season 2, which will premiere on the platform on September 21. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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