OTT actor Naveen Kasturia, best known for his role in TVF Aspirants and Pitchers, married his girlfriend Shubhanjali Sharma in Jaipur. The couple shared beautiful pictures from their wedding on social media. Yes! Abhilash Sharma of ‘Aspirants’ has found his real-life Dhairya. The actor has married his long-time girlfriend. To quote the least, with the advent of OTT, many emerging artists got a chance to do great acting on screen. Similarly, the show ‘Aspirants’ which came on Prime Video apart from TVF’s YouTube channel also made many fans and the show’s lead character Naveen Kasturia also garnered a lot of accolades. OTT actor Naveen Kasturia, best known for his role in TVF Aspirants and Pitchers, married his girlfriend Shubhanjali Sharma in Jaipur. The couple shared beautiful pictures from their wedding on social media. Yes! Abhilash Sharma of ‘Aspirants’ has found his real-life Dhairya. The actor has married his long-time girlfriend. To quote the least, with the advent of OTT, many emerging artists got a chance to do great acting on screen. Similarly, the show ‘Aspirants’ which came on Prime Video apart from TVF’s YouTube channel also made many fans and the show’s lead character Naveen Kasturia also garnered a lot of accolades. IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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